Workplace Injuries

In Texas, private employers have the option whether or not to carry workers’ compensation insurance to cover the costs of your medical care in the event you are injured while performing duties essential to your job.

Depending on the nature of your work, your employer may be required by law to provide workers’ compensation, however. If you work for a company with fewer than five employees, your employer is not required to carry workers’ compensation insurance.

In any case, your employer owes you a duty of providing a safe workplace. Their duty also includes providing you with the rules and regulations of your job, training and assistance, supervision, and the right equipment to perform your job.

If your employer does not have workers’ compensation insurance and you receive an injury at work, you may be able to sue your employer over your workplace illnesses and injuries.

Employers are usually required to let you know whether or not they will be providing workers’ compensation coverage and if you will have access to the state-regulated insurance program.

Do you have workplace injuries?

Large private companies, such as eBay, Amazon, Apple, Cisco, General Motors, Google or Whole Foods Market, for example, may self-insure or join a self-insurance group for their workers’ compensation claims.

An injured worker covered by an alternative policy may sue their employer for damages as a result of workplace injuries or serious illness. If your employer purchased insurance from an unlicensed insurance company, your claim could go unpaid.

We can provide answers to complex insurance issues

If you cannot return to work because of serious workplace injuries, it can be very stressful worrying about how you will pay your bills and who will provide for your family.

At the Vasquez Law Firm, I understand the complexities and nuances of workers’ compensation and other employer insurances. I can help you find the solution you need to get the income to replace your lost wages and pay for your medical expenses.

Attorney Scott S. Vasquez is a personal injury trial lawyer certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and has proven dedication to extra effort on your behalf.

Email, or call my office in Austin for a free consultation at 512-975-8300. Attorney’s fees are collected only if I get compensation for you.

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Office Locations

Vasquez Law Firm-Main Office


3020 Tom Miller Street
Austin, Texas 78723

Vasquez Law Firm-2nd Office


1012 W Anderson Lane
Austin, Texas 78757